Hosting Services

Office 365

Office 365 enables your business to share and collaborate in ways you have always envisioned. Built on Microsoft's latest 2013 release of Exchange, Sharepoint and Lync Servers, Office 365 is a cloud-based service hosted by Microsoft that brings together familiar Microsoft Office desktop applications with business-class email, shared calendars, instant messaging (IM), video conferencing, and team web sites. With Office 365, you’ll receive secure, enterprise-grade tools for a predictable monthly cost and no upfront infrastructure investments. Enterprise services typically within reach of only large organizations with dedicated IT staff are now available to EVERYONE at an incredibly low price! Get your work done faster from virtually anywhere, working with the Office you already know. Call us today at  256.415.7001  or email us at for more information and a free quote!

What's included in Office 365?


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Web Site Hosting

Potential customers are increasingly going online in search of the right company to use. We can provide the space to ensure that you are there when they need to find yours.

You can't afford NOT to have a web site. A web presence is essential in today's business environment. With a few clicks, a potential customer can gain enough information to decide whether or not to use your company. If there is no site or, worse than that, it is not available, clients will just go elsewhere — online AND with their business.

In addition to email hosting, Relia IT provides quality hosting services for your web site. We will register your domain and, for a monthly fee, you can actually know who is hosting your site and where to call if you need to purchase more space or have technical issues.

Relia IT will provide you with the space and bandwidth you need when you need it at the right price.


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Cloud Computing

What IS “cloud computing?” Cloud computing allows you to use software applications and resources on a remote server rather than your own. Many services, like PC and server backups, email, accounting applications, workstation antivirus and patch management and customer resource management, are now hosted “in the cloud.”

Can being in the cloud benefit a small business? Small businesses will benefit the most! The servers are backed up, maintained and secured offsite, so hard drive crashes, viruses and local security breaches will not affect your data. Most cloud servers are mirrored to identical servers in alternate locations. Also, cloud solutions do not require deploying costly hardware and software resources at your location. And, if you change your mind about an application or service, you haven’t wasted thousands of dollars implementing the solution in house.

How can you help me get in ‘the cloud?’ Relia IT knows what cloud offerings are available and which ones will benefit your business. We will make the recommendations for using cloud computing to its maximum advantage in your business.

Relia IT will put your business in "the cloud" at just the right altitude!